2006 Vans RV9 Aircraft

Single Engine Propeller


Sold on: 22/09/2023
Priced as: $159,000
2006 Vans RV9 Aircraft
Aircraft TypeSingle Engine Propeller
ConditionUsed Aircraft
Sale TypeFor Sale
CurrencyAU $
Price $159,000
LocationVictoria, Australia
Registration NoVH-JSP
Serial Number91336
Year Built2006
Total Time Airframe1042


1042 Hrs total time on very neat build.


Bendix Auto Pilot, Aspen Evolution PFD, RC Allen digital AH, PMA 4000 Audio Panel, Garmin GNC 300xl TSO GPS/COM, FS450 Fuel flow meter, JPI EGT/CHT Multi-cylinder scanner, Bendix Dual Com and Bendix ADF,

Turn and Bank Coordinator, Fuel pressure Gauge, Voltmeter & manifold pressure gauge,

Interior is very neat cloth and leather trim, Electric trim and flaps, Heated Pitot,

Long Range tanks also fitted making over 200 lts useable fuel.

Propellor is fixed pitch Sensenich with 895 Hrs since new,

External Canopy cover, Internal Canopy sunshade, spare nose wheel tire and tube, Mobile phone holder.

Fresh Annual inspection carried with new Maintenance release just issued.

Engine Specifications

Engine is an 0-360, 180Hp, it has Total time since new 895Hrs, "0" Hrs since bulk strip, Metal contamination only, Lots of factory new parts fitted.

*PLEASE NOTE: Aircraft specifications are subject to verification by the purchaser. It is up to you as the purchaser to conduct your due diligence. Unless given to you in writing by the seller, no warranties are implied or given. Aircraft or parts may be withdrawn from sale at any time. If the price does not contain the notation that it is the total price, the price may or may not include costs such as Stamp Duty, Transfer fees, GST and other State or Federal charges. Please confirm price, fees, charges and features with the seller of the Aircraft or Part.

Heliflite Horizontal

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Seller Information

Contact Name:Grant Harrison
Seller Type:Private
Location:Victoria, Australia
Listing ID:9776
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