2004 Vans RV4 Aircraft

Single Engine Propeller


Sold on: 24/12/2021
Priced as: $84,500
2004 Vans RV4 Aircraft
Aircraft TypeSingle Engine Propeller
ConditionUsed Aircraft
Sale TypeFor Sale
CurrencyAU $
Price $84,500
LocationQueensland, Australia
Registration NoVH-VVR
Serial Number2320
Year Built2004
Total Time Airframe520

Construction completed in 2004, Kit number 2320, & the Special C of A issued on 8-12-2004.

The airframe & Engine now have 520 hrs TTSN.

In March 2018, the engine was removed when it had 420 hrs TTSN, while all new Teflon hoses were made.

Brisbane Aero did a strip inspection, repaint and test of the engine & set it up for a FP prop.

When completed, testing indicated 200HP @ 2700 RPM when test run.

When re-installed, the engine, was fitted with new Electronic P-Mag Ignitions.

A new Catto composite FP 68" dia. X 76" Prop. was installed

Along with all new hoses, a new engine driven fuel pump and Gascolator cooling shroud with cooling blast tube were installed.

Vac pump & hoses have been removed.

On the panel the original vac driven 3" AH & DG were replaced with new RC Allen TSO'd Digital Attitude ( RCA2610 ) & DDI ( RCA 1510-3 ) units.

A new Flight Data FC10 fuel computer was also installed.

The upgrade exercise in 2018 with engine instruments & prop, incurred over $30K expenses.

The aircraft was re-weighed on 5-12-2018, with the new empty weight being 463 Kg.

Electric flaps and manual elevator trim.

New brake pads last 100 hrly, and new MR due 14-04-22.

My only reason for selling is to get into an RV8.

All reasonable offers will be considered.

Engine Specifications

Lycoming AEIO-360-B1F aerobatic engine with Christensen inverted oil system. Eng number L2553151A. Purchased new from Vans with the kit.


The radios are : Com. Narco 810, ADF Narco 841 & Narco AT 150 mode C Transponder.

All in good condition and with the last RAD 47 Insp. Done on 28-12-20.

Garmin 196 GPS.

Garmin Glo GPS transmitter


Clean, compact & tidy.

Classic "Old School" panel and instrument layout with everything working.

The moulded fibreglass Velo Pilot seat was recovered recently and the passenger seat & back cushions redone to match.

Both front & rear seats have 5 point harnesses that are in good condition.

Front seat has the additional Aerobatic Safety Belt.


Reasonable, whilst the aircraft has always been hangared, ( when not out on a sortie), the airframe paint & cowls ( for their age ) are fair to average.

A sun protection canopy cover is included.

Additional Features

Battery box is located in the aft baggage compartment.

The aircraft is now running very well, is fast & fun to fly.

An excellent machine for single pilot aerobatics.

*PLEASE NOTE: Aircraft specifications are subject to verification by the purchaser. It is up to you as the purchaser to conduct your due diligence. Unless given to you in writing by the seller, no warranties are implied or given. Aircraft or parts may be withdrawn from sale at any time. If the price does not contain the notation that it is the total price, the price may or may not include costs such as Stamp Duty, Transfer fees, GST and other State or Federal charges. Please confirm price, fees, charges and features with the seller of the Aircraft or Part.

Tecnam Gran Lusso Mid

Click on the video below to watch.

Seller Information

Contact Name:Ian Swinbourne
Seller Type:Private
Location:Queensland, Australia
Home/Office:07 54853034
Listing ID:8060
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