2025 Diamond DA62 Aircraft |
Aircraft Type | Multi Engine Propeller |
Make | Diamond |
Model | DA62 |
Condition | New Aircraft |
Sale Type | POA |
Location | New South Wales, Australia |
Year Built | 2025 |
Total Time Airframe | 0 |
Comments |
Available in 2025. Reserve your spot now.Optional 7 seats, three-row seating. Excellent cabin access. Luxurious leather interior. G1000 NXi, GFC700 3-axis & yaw damper. Twin 180hp jet fuel AE330 engines. High fuel efficiency with superb performance in all phases of flight. TKS known ice protection (FIKI) Consumption at 60%: 44.7 lt/h or 11.8 gal/h Max. Speed: 372 km/h or 201 kts Max. Altitude: 6,096 m or 20,000 ft Payload: 710 kg or 1,565 lbs |
*PLEASE NOTE: Aircraft specifications are subject to verification by the purchaser. It is up to you as the purchaser to conduct your due diligence. Unless given to you in writing by the seller, no warranties are implied or given. Aircraft or parts may be withdrawn from sale at any time. If the price does not contain the notation that it is the total price, the price may or may not include costs such as Stamp Duty, Transfer fees, GST and other State or Federal charges. Please confirm price, fees, charges and features with the seller of the Aircraft or Part.
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