2024 Tecnam Gran Lusso TDI

Single Engine Propeller


plus GST
2024 Tecnam Gran Lusso TDI
Aircraft TypeSingle Engine Propeller
ModelGran Lusso TDI
Sale TypeFor Sale
CurrencyEU €
Price €627,410 plus GST
Registration NoVH-8GL
Serial Number252
Year Built2024
Total Time AirframeCert hours only

A luxurious, elegant, and technologically advanced aircraft from Tecnam, the world's number one manufacturer of single engine piston aircraft (GAMA, Q1 2024).

  • Extensive parts and technical support in Australia.
  • Fantastic touring aircraft, VFR or IFR.

Max Cruise Speed: 140 kts

Stall Speed: 53 kts

Service Ceiling: 18,000 ft

Take off Run: 424 m

Landing Run: 275 m

Range: (Power 60%, 9,000 ft) 1,300 nm

Brand new. CALL NOW - Customers from Victoria, Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia.

Available for inspection now.

Engine Specifications

Continental Aero CD-170, turbo-charged, liquid cooled, FADEC controlled, diesel engine, with an increased 2,000 TBR (200 hrs more than its competitor). Instant start, hot or cold.

Constant Speed, 3 Blade, MT Propeller.

Best fuel economy in its class burning lead-free, cheaper JET A1.


GFC 700 Autopilot

Electronic Stability & Protection (ESP)

G1000 Nxi Integrated Flight Deck System, includes:

  • GDU 1050 10-inches PFD
  • GDU 1054 10-inches MFD
  • Dual GEA 71B Engine & Airframe unit
  • Dual GIA 64WAAS Com/nav/GPS/GS/Loc
  • GMA1360 Digital audio system
  • GMU44B Magnetometer
  • GDC72 Air data computer
  • GRS79 AHRS
  • GTP59 OAT
  • GTX345R Mode S Transponder (ADS-B In and OUT)

The Italian stitched leather and Alcantara interior is superior to any new aircraft in its class.

The three doors, four seats, sound proofing, and large windows, make the Gran Lusso the perfect aircraft for the whole family.

No climbing over wings to get in. The high wings give better visibility, protection in hot Australian conditions, or rain, and are clear of any foreign object damage (FOD).

Multiple USB charging points for pilot and passengers. Limo or twin plug headset jacks.

Electric front seat height adjustment.

Multiple storage pockets and mobile phone holders.

Super bright, long lasting external LED lights.

Large, separate baggage compartment with 40kg and golf club carrying capacity.

*PLEASE NOTE: Aircraft specifications are subject to verification by the purchaser. It is up to you as the purchaser to conduct your due diligence. Unless given to you in writing by the seller, no warranties are implied or given. Aircraft or parts may be withdrawn from sale at any time. If the price does not contain the notation that it is the total price, the price may or may not include costs such as Stamp Duty, Transfer fees, GST and other State or Federal charges. Please confirm price, fees, charges and features with the seller of the Aircraft or Part.

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Seller Information

Contact Name:Paul
Seller Type:Dealer
Mobile:0424 704 010
Listing ID:9516

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